Motivate & Cultivate
Relationships You ♡
Friendship Coach|When Should You Throw In The Towel On A Relationship?
Hey Bestfriend, Sister, Girlfriend
We are taking on the challenge to getting past the hurt in a relationship and moving to the other side of happiness, clarity, and understanding. Join the conversation as we explore what to do when we've exhausted everything within us.
Friendship Coach | Check On Your Friends 
Check in on your friends because even the people who seem like they have their lives together, one-hundred percent, might be struggling. It’s almost guaranteed that your friend has something to share, release, or let go of. They may be covering up their pain with laughter and smiles, and you could be the one person with an ear they were waiting on.
Friendship Coach | Expired Friendships
Have you ever dealt with a friendship that has reached its breaking point. Rather a 20 year long term relationship or a good girlfriend of 5 years the pain of loosing a friend is hard. Let's look at a few steps we can take to ease the pain and move forward.
Friendship Coach Panel Discussion On Friendship
Friendship Coach Andrea Smoak, panel discussion on friendship. How to heal, love, and support.
B O U G I E Girl Cyber Happy Hour Presents Her Story Friendship Coach, Andrea Smoak
Friendship Coach™ Andrea Smoak speaks with Bougie Girl Happy Hour, on she’s mending broken hearts, friendships, and you.