Motivate & Cultivate
Relationships You ♡
Friendship Coach | Welcome To The Friendship Couch
Welcome to the "FRIENDSHIP COUCH." Hosted by Your Girlfriend Next Door & Friendship Coach, Andrea.
I'm here to have real conversations with my girlfriends, you! It all goes down on the couch... Tune in for our first installment coming September 1, 2021.
Friendship Coach | Check On Your Friends 
Check in on your friends because even the people who seem like they have their lives together, one-hundred percent, might be struggling. It’s almost guaranteed that your friend has something to share, release, or let go of. They may be covering up their pain with laughter and smiles, and you could be the one person with an ear they were waiting on.
Create A Life You Love. The Time Is Now!
We have been forced to have extra time on our hands to focus.
During this time of solace, please take a moment and open your mind to the possibilities of creating a new life and fulfilling your passion.