Friendship Coach | Check On Your Friends 

Friendship Coach

Nothing worse than losing a friend because they didn’t think they had anyone to talk to, so...

Even in my own struggles. Phone is always on, door is always open and a drink can easily be poured. Doing a real friend check. Support each other. I need eight people posting the message not sharing it, to show you’re always there when someone needs to talk. Once done, say done! #checkinchallenge
-Cynthia Edwards (Facebook)

Check-in on your friends because even the people who seem like they have their lives together, one-hundred percent, might be struggling. It's almost guaranteed that your friend has something to share, release, or let go of. They may be covering up their pain with laughter and smiles, and you could be the one person with an ear they were waiting on. It's difficult for some to show any weakness or vulnerability.

Your strong friend is everybody's go-to person, and they hurt the most. Not only are they carrying your stuff, they're carrying their own stuff too. They're generally the most compassionate or empathetic and struggle to turn those qualities that they give to others onto themselves. This then leads to mental health issues like depression and low self-esteem or just feeling inadequate because they're not able to do for themselves what they do for others. Hear me out. Those who give the most usually need, require, or desire the most. This group of people live by "give what you would like to receive in life." I'm not sure if it always works out, but there is indeed a desire to be heard and thought of.

It's essential to pay attention to signs that your friend needs you. Your friend may begin to show signs of irritability, talk of diet changes, negativity, etc. This is not the time for unanswered text messages, phone calls with no response for days. Be aware of his/her energy towards you and others. Try to abstain from generic questions, go deeper, go harder, show how much you truly care about their well-being. Also, don't accept generic answers. Allow them to feel and understand you are dependable and available when needed.

It's important to check on your friends because they would do the same for you. They've always shown up for you in the past. They've never left you hanging.

Don't forget to check in on the people who support you. They long for you just as much as you need them. Do it when it's hard. They will appreciate you more.

A True Friend Has:

Allowed you to be overdramatic when something was bothering you.
Listened to you rant and rave.
Given you advice.
Encouraged you.
Had your back, no matter what.

It feels good to return the favor for anyone who's been there for you. Friendship is a beautiful relationship, and treated correctly could be the most rewarding relationship of your life.

Never take a soul connected to you for granted. There is a purpose, be careful with the gift. Cherish it, love it, and hold on to it as long as possible. And remember, they might need you just as much as you need them.

Friendship is love.


Your Girlfriend Next Door & Friendship Coach

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