Friendship Coaching & Learning Journeys

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An Excellent Practitioner

An excellent practitioner starts with a good foundation.

In life, we use our experience and passion to lead us to where we belong. When founding Friendship Coaching, it was my own experiences that led me to Learning Journeys. I knew I've always had a passion and heart for women. It'sIt's manifested itself in each of my businesses. Women have always been the nucleus and foundation of every move I've made professionally and personally. 

When I began the friendship journey, I knew I needed to find a tribe of sharp, educated, compassionate, and loving women who could see my vision and help me along the way. We often talk about raising a baby takes a village, but sometimes starting and preparing a business is like birthing a child. You need to nurture it, research, and find others who've taken the reins on before. I found this village at Learning Journeys. From the founders Ruthie and her daughter Jenny, and the most delightful soul and spirit Tirzah.  

The journey to get here was not by surprise but by divine alignment. Out of the blew, I discovered I had unused scholarship funds available, and at that moment, I realized it was time to conquer another dream. I've talked about life coaching for years. It was always something; either the timing was off, the programs seem too long, or not the right fit for my vision as a coach. Eventually, I found Learning Journeys, and everything seemed right. From the moment I spoke with Jenny, she was so personable and willing to help me along my journey. Finding her and talking with her mom Ruthie I felt at home. There was a bouns, and I had no idea. I later met Tirzah. She is a Godsend; her beautiful spirit calmed everyone. Oh, and did I mention she has an angelic voice you wished could sing you to sleep. 

This was a perfect mixture to start and send me on my way to begin my Friendship practice. I've received an ideal foundation to start practicing and helping women around the globe conquer their friendship and relationship goals. 

My advice to anyone searching to add, change, or pivot their career, take your time. Do it when it feels right. Find the place that supports your vision and ideas. I will forever be grateful to Learning Journeys for giving me my start and credentials needed to become a Friendship Coach. I will continue to be a part of their legacy, by helping others meet their goals and live their best life possible.  

Forever grateful and continuing the journey.

Your Girlfriend Next Door & Friendship Coach



Friendship Coach | When does friendship change?


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