Awakened Mother Series & Friendship Coach Andrea Smoak


It was such a delight speaking with Isabelle Bridges of Awakened Motherhood Show. We had a awesome conversation about motherhood and friendship. Join in on this event June 21, 2020.

Some of the things I have found really support me during this time are self- awareness, self-love and self-acceptance.

So when one of my dear friends and colleagues, Isabelle Bridges, asked me to be in her Awakened Mother Series, I was an immediate yes!

I get a TON of requests to be interviewed and am highly selective ... it's got to be unique.

What I LOVE about this one is it's focused on supporting moms in loving THEMSELVES and in waking up to how much they matter. Sooo powerful!

 So here it is, your free pass to participate in "The Awakened Mother." Isabelle asked me .... friendship and motherhood and I can't wait to tell you.

Watch the show here:

Here’s how The Awakened Mother Series works:

You sign up for FREE at the link below and you’ll receive a welcome video from Isabelle.

You’ll receive recordings as they become available.

Join the Facebook group for the mother's empowerment circle here {} to catch the buzz.

Immediately, you’ll start to notice how much more aligned and empowered you feel with these new, tangible tools at your fingertips. And, you’ll feel the support of the mother's empowerment sisterhood to hold you high.

You are so worthy of your own love and devotion. I’m excited to be your guide on this journey.


Your Girlfriend Next Door & Friendship Coach

Andrea Smoak



Friendship Coach | Welcome To The Friendship Couch


Friendship Coach | Girl! Take A Solocation. You Deserve It!